Monday, 27 August 2012

Spring time!

Before: Front of house with giant ferrel bottlebrush shrub.
After: Front of house after bottlebrush has been removed!
Now that spring is here I've been trying to get the outside of the house a bit more presentable and productive all at the same time. Here are a few shots around the place today to show some of the progress so far. I'm hoping to turn most of the front yard into veggies, and already taken out the horrible looking grass plants in the front yard and replaced them with tomatoes (photos below). The new herb garden I made using the strip of dirt between our house and our rear neighbours looks pretty good, and I'm pleased with using wasted space and turning it into something productive. So enjoy the photos and I'll try and post more soon! :)
Tomato bed freshly planted directly in front of front door.

Before: Weedy bit of dirt between our driveway and the neighbours

After: Lovely herb garden full of jalapenos, basil, parsley, dill, oregano and coriander

Runner beans!
Raised garden bed around side of house. Seedlings just sprouting

Apple blossom